The Troll’s Currency 👹
Troll: A person who makes a deliberately offensive or provocative online post.
An NFL player had a bad game on Sunday.
On Monday, the player shared some random DMs he’d received on social media after the game.
Nameless, faceless people were telling him to kill himself, calling all kinds of names, and generally saying the nastiest things they could come up with to try and hurt this guy verbally.
I commented that while it must suck to receive those kinds of messages, there was no value in sharing them to the Internet. While the player framed it as merely “informing” people of what had happened, it appeared he was looking for public sympathy.
Him being black, and some of the trolling using racial slurs, helped his cause.
65% of people agree with me.
The rest argued that I was wrong.
There was a strong need to “speak out” against this kind of “hateful” rhetoric, they said. It needed to be “put on blast” to publicly shame and “out” the people who were talking like this. It would be a message to everyone else who’s thinking about doing something similar.
Trolls are often anonymous. You can’t “out” a nameless, faceless online commentator.
The NFL player framed his DM-sharing as some offhand material that didn’t affect him: “I don’t care what people say about me… BUT, here’s some stuff that people said about me.”
Cheap tactics like this work when you have a ready audience of weak-minded sympathizers and moralizers.
Nasty internet comments are the troll’s only weapon. Say something incendiary to provoke a response. Skilled trolls are often successful because in today’s world, people are soft and weak. They can’t NOT respond and give the troll attention.
Without the response, there is no troll.
The only currency a troll deals in is attention. Response from their target.
I’ve published 20,000+ pieces of content online. I’ve seen my share of would-be trolls.
But I understand their business model. So I deny them their only food.
Block. Delete. Ignore. No response.
They disappear from my posts and find someone else who will play ball with them.
Trolls starve to death in my world.
There is a positive side, however, to engaging trolls: It attracts more of them.
When would-be trolls (those sitting on the fence of trolling) see that trolling gets a response, they jump in too. And before you know it, your comments / notifications / mentions are a cesspool of losers.
Why is this positive? Because of the engagement. Negative attention is still attention. Attention from losers and people who may not even be people is still attention. It may drive the algorithm to show your stuff to more people. Who those “more” people are, is anyone’s guess. We are not all created equal.
Some people play the game this way. I choose not to. At least for now.
“Speaking out” against the action of a troll does nothing to stop the act of trolling. All it does is draw attention to you, so you can virtue signal how good of a person you are by “calling out” someone else’s poor behavior. Nothing virtuous achieved.
This is a friendly PSA to help you understand why people do the things they do online. Use it — or don’t — as you wish.
Speaking of attention, you must learn how to attract and keep it — from the right people — if you’re going to run a successful business. Join Work On Your Game University and get coached by me on exactly how to do it, and attract your ideal people into your world.
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