“Keeping It Real,” Plus 3 Other Threats To My Political Career…

Dre Baldwin
4 min readDec 14, 2020

Someone commented on one of my recent live streams, in which I touched on some political stuff from a practical outsider perspective, that I should run for political office.

Though it was a tongue in cheek comment, I appreciate the sentiment.

I think I’d be good at politics. Telling people the truth (as I see it), giving context to that truth, and sharing with the people what they need to hear — not just what they want to hear. The political landscape could use a healthy dose of Work On Your Game.

But it would never work. For multiple reasons…

1) Politics is where “keeping it real” goes wrong.

Here’s a truth: the masses of people would rather hear a lie that they like, than to hear a truth that slaps them in the face.

Those slaps are the fun of what I do for a living. Take that away, and who am I?

Politicians aren’t allowed to slap anyone with truth. When’s the last time you heard a politician offer what you’d label a “harsh truth”? They don’t do it. Those truths would offend too many people who expect the elected official to “fix” everything for them.

This is the very illusion that drives many people to polling places. This is not to say that politicians…



Dre Baldwin

The Discipline to Produce Your Best On Your Toughest Days. It ain’t for everybody. #TheThirdDay Creator of #WorkOnYourGame. DreAllDay.com