How To Be Your Most Confident Self

Dre Baldwin
2 min readMay 2, 2024

1) The Problem…

You value the importance of Mindset and how an improvement in Discipline, Confidence & Mental Toughness would take you to another level… you just don’t know where to begin.

Because of this, you routinely quit on yourself.

You stop short when you see an opportunity.

You hold your tongue when you have something to say.

You get into a victim mentality.

You let life kick your ass.

And you look in the mirror at the end of the day and don’t like what you see.

2) What’s Worse…

This has been going on for months and maybe YEARS. And it’s not getting better.

… Which leads to frustration, because you know you’re living short of your potential. While you’re struggling with this, LIFE is passing you by.

You see people who don’t have half your skill and intelligence out-performing you and getting rewards that should be yours. It feels like your own mind is working against you half the time.

And you know that life is not slowing down to wait for you.

3) What You’ve Tried…

You’ve tried thinking positive and consuming positive material. But that’s gotten you only so far.

You’ve watched motivational videos.

Listened to podcasts.

You get #DailyMotivation texts, save inspirational posts off of social media, and try to stay upbeat.

But you know, deep down, that this surface-level stuff isn’t enough. If it was, your problem would be solved already!

4) Where You’re Headed…

That stuff doesn’t work because there’s no real process or structure to getting your mindset in the right place and keeping it there permanently.

What you need is a process or system for how you think and literally program your mind for the mindset that you want — AND keep it there consistently even after you’ve gone through the process. That way, you can avoid the back-and-forth roller-coaster mindset that you’ve been on.

But… does something like that even exist???




Dre Baldwin

The Discipline to Produce Your Best On Your Toughest Days. It ain’t for everybody. #TheThirdDay Creator of #WorkOnYourGame.