How Creating Enemies 😡 Reveals Your Friends 🤝

One of the most important things a marketer must do, especially in a crowded space: Make it clear who you’re NOT for.
Doing this is logically simple: Identify something that most people believe / agree with — that you don’t agree with — and “throw rocks” at that concept.
I created a term for this: Rejection Marketing ❌🚫. [Episode #1364]
You’ll get a lot of pushback. Loud, public pushback.
👆 This is what most marketers fear and try to avoid at all costs. This is the emotional challenge of throwing rocks.
The secret: Many people — quietly — agree with you.
They’re just smart enough to not get too close to you publicly. No use catching a stray bullet for no reason 😊.
Those people, though — the Silent Majority (or Minority, depending on who you’re targeting) — are your clients.
They agree with you. They align with you. They appreciate you for saying what they’re thinking.
Let them find you. They want to.
This strategy should be part of your marketing mix.
If you want more strategies — and the processes for deploying them — for your business, schedule a free call with us so we can find out what you need and how we can help.