Grow Or Die. Your Choice
Entropy: lack of order or predictability; gradual decline into disorder.
The second law of thermodynamics says that entropy always increases with time.
Plain language summary of the above two sentences: The natural order of things for humans is to gradually decline, withering away into dust.
This makes sense; we all die one day.
But entropy isn’t just about death. It’s about the gradual decline into nothingness that we experience every single day, unless we are conscious and intentional about going in the opposite direction.
This is what Work On Your Game is all about.
The law of gravity works the same way.
Gravity is always pulling us down towards the earth’s surface. The only reason that you can stand up straight, walk, run, jump, and hold your head up, is because you have enough bone density and muscle power to fight against the pull of gravity. Otherwise, you’d be lying in a heap on the ground at all times.
This is why older people, as their bones weaken and their muscles lose power, tend to shrink down, closer to the ground, and have a hard time standing up, walking, or holding an erect posture. Gravity is pulling them back to the ground.
Without the power and density of consciousness and intentionality, entropy will pull you to the ground, the same way that gravity pulls great-grandma to the ground.
Scientific laws do not have opinions.
Getting better does not happen by default. The only time in which you grow without trying is up through puberty; let’s say through age ~25.
After that, any growth, progress, or advancement that you make must be done on purpose. If not, no growth happens.
Here’s the other thing.
There is no such thing as “staying neutral” in the universe.
Which means, you are either growing or dying; getting better or getting worse; building or destroying.
These are binaries. Meaning, you are one or the other. There is no in between.
Which are you?
If you are growing, then you must be doing it on purpose. Which means, you can clearly articulate exactly what you are doing to continually get better.
If you can’t do this, you are probably dying, atrophying, and disintegrating. One minute at a time.
Remember, this is a scientific law. Not a theory. Not a personal opinion.
Do you want to get better?
Do you want to continuously improve?
Are you serious about growth?
Are you OK with Just being OK?
Join Work On Your Game, University and have me as your personal coach so you can list our work as your conscious and intentional plan for improvement.